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Monday, March 21, 2011

Radiasi Makanan Di Jepun Tinggi: WHO

Untuk tatapan teman pembaca blog semua, di sini aku nak share info yang aku terbaca di internet berikutan berlakunya bencana Gempa & Tsunami di Jepun. Mungkin kerajaan tlh myiarkan bahawa kesan Radiasi tidak akan sampai ke Malaysia. Mungkin itu benar secara kasarnya. Namun ada pelbagai cara yang membolehkan radiasi sampai kepada kita semua. Baru sebentar tadi aku ternampak sedutan berita di TV3 (21.3.2011) yang menyatakan World Health Organisation (WHO) mengeluarkan laporan bahawa Radiasi makanan yang berada di Jepun sangat tinggi dan oleh memudaratkan bila di makan. Di bawah ni aku ada serta kan petikan dari laman web WHO mengenai bagaimana radiasi boleh terdapt pada makanan:-

Food safety

How can food products become radioactive?

  • Foods can be contaminated with radioactive materials as the result of a nuclear or radiological emergency. The surface of foods like fruits and vegetables or animal feed can become radioactive by deposit of radioactive materials falling on it from the air or through rain water. Over time, radioactivity can also build up within food, as radionuclides are transferred through soil into crops or animals, or into rivers, lakes and the sea where fish and shellfish could take up the radionuclides. The severity of the risk depends on the radionuclide mix and the level of contaminant released.
  • Radioactivity cannot contaminate food that is packaged; for example, tinned or plastic-wrapped food is protected from radioactivity as long as the food is sealed.
 mungkin info ini boleh buat kita berfikir makanan yang mcm mana nak kita ambil, sekiranya itu adalah barangan import dari Jepun. Biarpun kedudukan kita jauh dari Jepun dari sudut geografinya, ada kepelbagaian cara radiasi seperti di Jepun sampai kepada kita tanpa kita sedari. So, aku rasa kita kena berhati hati hendaknya.

What are the potential health effects of consuming contaminated food ?

  • Food contaminated with radioactive material will not appear spoiled, but consuming such food will increase the amount of radioactivity a person is exposed to and could increase the health risks associated with exposure. For example, it could increase prevalence of certain cancers in the future. The exact effects on specific organs will depend on which radionuclides have been ingested and the amount being ingested.
  • People in close vicinity of the nuclear plants who believe they have consumed contaminated produce or animal products should seek medical attention.

What general advice can be given to food consumers and producers in the event of a nuclear emergency?

  • The response to an emergency involving radioactivity should be the same as the response to any emergency involving any hazardous material contaminating food. In the early stages of an emergency, and if it is safe to do so, it is possible to take immediate actions to prevent or minimize the contamination of food by some radiological materials. For example, it is possible to:
    • protect growing vegetables and animal fodder; cover with plastic sheets or tarpaulins;
    • bring livestock in from pasture; move animals into a shed or barn; and
    • harvest any ripe crops and place under cover.
  • Many other short-, medium- and long-term actions need to be considered in areas confirmed to be seriously contaminated, such as:
    • avoid consumption of locally produced milk or vegetables;
    • avoid slaughtering animals; and
    • avoid fishing, hunting or gathering mushrooms or other forest foods
 Anyway, hope this info boleh share dgn teman semua.

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